This tag contains all articles that discuss any other STEM related industry that isn't directly space related. Such as AI, architecture, technology, robotics, chemistry, renewable energy and more! Articles in this tag may also involve space and stem related topics, such as how nuclear reactors may power Martian or lunar colonies.

Re-entry: Hot Enough to Boil Steel Re-entry: Hot Enough to Boil Steel

One thing is going to space; another is coming back. The art of entering the Earth's atmosphere is something scientists and engineers are still working on perfecting, as temperatures from the hot plasma hitting the vehicle can reach up to 3800°C (7000°F), although in most cases

Aug 17, 2024 13 mins

Space Farming: The Unspoken Benefits Space Farming: The Unspoken Benefits

A lot of people get skeptical when hearing the term "space farming", and they're right. Ever since the Agricultural Revolution 30,000 years ago, humans have only ever farmed on the soil of our home planet Earth. However, with our advancing technology, we can grow crops

May 12, 2024 3 mins

Dragonfly on the surface of Titan. ©NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Steve Gribben
Dragonfly - NASA's most ambitious robot explorer?

Since the end of the Apollo program, NASA has been no stranger to sending robotic explorers to planets and moons to perform science instead of crews. Today, the agency is looking into potentially its most ambitious robot explorer to date. The Dragonfly spacecraft is NASA's planned robotic explorer

Dec 7, 2023 3 mins