Space Exploration

This tag is useful to those who are looking for content that is related to Space Exploration. From manned spaceflight, missions to celestial bodies, planetary research, and the broader realm of exploring beyond Earth's boundaries.

Habitable Exoplanets: what are they? Habitable Exoplanets: what are they?

Exoplanets are planets that are beyond our planetary system. We have discovered over 5,000 of them already over the course of many years of space exploration and observations, and we estimate billions of them to exist in our galaxy alone. However, not all of them hold the term “habitable”

Oct 2, 2023 3 mins

Frank Rubio after exiting the Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft. Frank Rubio sets American space record!

NASA astronaut Francisco Carlos "Frank" Rubio returned to Earth recently on the 27th of September aboard the Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft after spending 371 days in space, or 5,936 orbits of the Earth, concluding his first trip to space. Frank Rubio now holds the American record for the

Oct 1, 2023 2 mins