A render of Intuitive Machines' lunar lander on the lunar surface. ©Intuitive Machines

Intuitive Machines to develop U.S. lunar relay network

NASA announced on September 17th that it had awarded Intuitive Machines with a contract to develop a lunar relay network. This contract is a firm-fixed-price, multiple award, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity task order and has a maximum potential value of 4.82 billion United States dollars and will run from October 1st 2024 to September 30th 2029, with a possible extension to September 30th 2034.

The lunar relay network is expected to provide communication and navigation services for the exploration and scientific study of the Moon’s South Pole region, according to NASA. Without the lunar relays, NASA would face limited landing opportunities during its Artemis missions later in the decade due to limited, and aging, communications infrastructure.

Intuitive Machines believes this contract will help the company's vision to commercialize lunar activities and hopes to grow in three areas of lunar commercialization with this new contract:

  • Delivery: Scaling lunar lander capabilities to support cargo and infrastructure delivery.
  • Data Transmission Services: Establishing a network of satellites capable of delivering 4K resolution video data and navigation services, assisting in landing site selection and resource prospecting.
  • Autonomous Operations: Developing infrastructure, logistics, and mapping solutions on the Moon to facilitate exploration and operations.

In the company's press release about being awarded the contract, Steve Altemus, Chief Executive Officer of Intuitive Machines, said the following:

“This contract marks an inflection point in Intuitive Machines’ leadership in space communications and navigation,” – “We’re pleased to partner with NASA, as one team, to support the Artemis campaign and endeavors to expand the lunar economy.”

NASA expects the lunar relay network to support the various human landing systems, the lunar terrain vehicles, and Commercial Lunar Payload Services flights throughout the Artemis program.

As the lunar relay network matures, NASA anticipates being able to reduce its reliance on the Deep Space Network for the Artemis program. The lunar relay network is currently planned to be operated by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center as part of the Near Space Network.

Intuitive Machines' lunar relay network would also provide a possible alternative to the Chinese government-backed Queqiao lunar communications and positioning network for other nations' lunar exploration projects. With both of these networks, agencies like the European Space Agency, Roscosmos, JAXA, and the Indian Space Research Organisation would be able to decide which network suits their needs, and budget.

Who is Intuitive Machines?

Intuitive Machines is an American company headquartered in Houston, Texas. The company was founded in 2013 by Stephen Altemus, Kam Ghaffarian, and Dr. Tim Crain.

The company currently has performed one lunar landing mission with three more planned as part of its lunar program, which will provide lunar surface access, lunar orbit delivery, and communications at lunar distance.

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