Europa Clipper - A Journey to a far away yet familiar world

Europa Clipper - A Journey to a far away yet familiar world

Since the dawn of space exploration, the quest for water has been intertwined with our search for life in the cosmos. Now, a world of water beckons, waiting to reveal its secrets—Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. If humanity is to truly grasp its place in the universe, we must answer the question: is Earth the only cradle of life?

Beneath its icy crust, Europa holds a saltwater ocean—one of the most promising places to seek environments where life may thrive beyond our world.


The amount of water suspected to be within Europa is several times over the amount of water in earths oceans combined. It is littered with ice volcanos that eject materials to enormous altitudes. Intense Geothermal activity lies within the core of Europa that could facilitate life. It also may have the chemical elements that are key ingredients to life, all of these factors combined make it a very similar world to our own and yet vastly different.

This view of Jupiter's icy moon Europa was captured by JunoCam, the public engagement camera aboard NASA's Juno spacecraft, during the mission's close flyby on Sept. 29, 2022.Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS | Image processing: Kevin M. Gill CC BY 3.0

Europa, the smallest of Jupiter's four Galilean moons and the sixth-closest of the planet's 95 known satellites, offers intriguing mysteries. It is also the sixth-largest moon in the Solar System. Europa was independently discovered by Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius, with Marius naming it after Europa, the Phoenician princess and lover of Zeus, who corresponds to Jupiter in Roman mythology.

Slightly smaller than Earth's Moon, Europa is primarily made of silicate rock, covered by a water-ice crust, and likely possesses an iron-nickel core. Its atmosphere is extremely thin and made mostly of oxygen. Europa’s surface, geologically young and striking in its smoothness, is crisscrossed by tan-colored cracks and streaks, with few visible impact craters. Both Earth-based telescopes and a series of spacecraft flybys, starting in the 1970s, have offered glimpses of Europa. In September 2022, NASA’s Juno spacecraft passed within 320 kilometers (200 miles) of the moon, providing a close-up look at its icy terrain.

Europa's surface is the smoothest of any known solid object in the Solar System. This smoothness, along with its youthful appearance, points to a vast ocean of water hidden beneath its frozen exterior—a world waiting to reveal whether life might exist beyond Earth. The leading theory suggests that Europa's subsurface ocean remains liquid due to heat generated by tidal flexing, which also causes the ice on its surface to move in a way similar to plate tectonics. This process could allow chemicals from the surface to mix with the ocean beneath, potentially creating conditions suitable for life.

In May 2018, astronomers found new evidence supporting the presence of water plumes on Europa, based on a reanalysis of data from the Galileo space probe, which orbited Jupiter between 1995 and 2003. These plumes could provide a way to study Europa’s subsurface ocean without the need to land on the moon, offering a promising opportunity for the search for life. However, in March 2024, new research suggested that Europa's surface may contain less oxygen than previously thought. The majority of what we know about Europa comes from NASA’s Galileo mission, launched in 1989. While no spacecraft has landed on the moon yet, multiple missions have been proposed to explore Europa further. The European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE), launched in April 2023, is currently en route to study Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, with plans to make two flybys of Europa along the way.

Europa, slightly smaller than Earth's Moon, has a diameter of just over 3,100 kilometers (1,900 miles), making it the sixth-largest moon and the fifteenth-largest object in the Solar System. Although it is the least massive of Jupiter's Galilean moons by a significant margin, it is still more massive than all known moons smaller than itself combined. Europa's bulk density indicates a composition similar to that of terrestrial planets. Magnetic-field data from the Galileo orbiter shows that Europa has an induced magnetic field through interaction with Jupiter's, which suggests the presence of a subsurface conductive layer. This subsurface conductive layer is our main indication of saltwater.

Europa Clipper Background and Objectives

The Europa Clipper mission was initially suggested by NASA as the Europa Orbiter mission in 1997, however it was not chosen at that time. Subsequently, the Europa orbiter mission was announced by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). During this time, the Galileo spacecraft—which had been orbiting Jupiter since 1995—completed its primary mission in December 1997 and turned its attention to studying Europa. Galileo made multiple flybys of Europa, collecting data for two days on each visit.

The Europa Clipper mission seeks to emulate Galileo by performing larger-scale flybys with more sophisticated sensors. As it moved through the steps of permission, design, and construction, the budget grew with time. The European Space Agency was invited by NASA in 2015 to submit concepts for a companion mission to Europa Clipper. NASA chose nine experiments to be installed aboard the orbiter later that year. The spacecraft is scheduled to launch in October 2024 after passing its prelaunch assessment in September 2024, when construction on the vessel ended. Europa lies deep within Jupiter's intense radiation field, which presents a challenge for any spacecraft operating nearby. Even radiation-hardened spacecraft in close orbit around Europa would only remain functional for a few months due to the extreme conditions. Another limitation is the rate at which data can be transmitted back to Earth, as there are only a limited number of antennas available to receive it. While the instruments onboard can collect data quickly, the transmission of that data is much slower, making the available time to send it back a key factor in mission success.

To overcome these challenges, the Europa Clipper mission is designed to perform multiple flybys of Europa, allowing it to gather crucial data without remaining in close orbit for long. This approach, which includes months between each flyby to transmit the collected data, enables the $2 billion Europa Clipper mission to gather nearly three times as much data as the canceled $4.3 billion Europa Orbiter concept, all while reducing the spacecraft’s exposure to radiation. Between each of the 44 planned flybys, the spacecraft will have about seven to ten days to transmit its data.

Rather than orbiting Europa itself, the Clipper will orbit Jupiter and use gravity assists from Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto to adjust its trajectory. This will allow it to conduct flybys of Europa at altitudes ranging from 25 to 2,700 kilometers (16 to 1,678 miles) over its 3.5-year mission. Each flyby will cover different regions of Europa, creating a global topographic survey and providing data on ice thickness. The Clipper could also fly through water vapor plumes erupting from beneath Europa’s icy crust, potentially sampling the subsurface ocean without landing or drilling. The spacecraft is expected to endure a total ionizing dose of 2.8 megarads from Jupiter’s radiation belt. To protect its electronics, Europa Clipper will be equipped with a radiation vault made of aluminum alloy walls that are 0.3 inches (7.6 mm) thick, with the electronics nestled in the spacecraft’s core for additional shielding.

Flight Plan and Mission Specifications

The Europa Clipper spacecraft, gearing up for its highly anticipated launch on October 10, 2024, with a launch window extending until November 6. While the exact launch time is still pending, following an investigation into an off-nominal stage 2 deorbit burn on Crew-9, the mission is all set to embark on an epic journey to the icy moon Europa. Aboard the mighty Falcon Heavy—standing tall at 70 meters and packing a punch with 22,819 kilonewtons of thrust—the Clipper will conduct a thorough survey of Europa without any sub-satellites in tow. For those keeping score, this two-stage vehicle, which will launch from the iconic LC-39A, boasts a fairing diameter of 5.2 meters and a height of 13 meters, all for a price of $97 million. Not bad for a ticket to the outer solar system!

The propulsion subsystem, an impressive feat engineered by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, is part of the spacecraft’s Propulsion Module, owned by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. This towering module, measuring 3 meters tall and 1.5 meters in diameter, constitutes about two-thirds of the spacecraft's main body. It carries nearly 2,700 kilograms of monomethyl hydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide propellant—perfect for executing a Jupiter orbit insertion burn that could last between six to eight hours. With 24 rocket engines rated at 27.5 N thrust for attitude control and propulsion, the Europa Clipper is more than ready to navigate the Jovian system.

Powering this ambitious mission posed an interesting dilemma: solar panels or a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG)? While solar power only captures 4% of the sunlight intensity found in Earth’s orbit, the successful Juno mission demonstrated that solar panels can still work wonders at Jupiter. Ultimately, the mission team opted for solar arrays over plutonium-fueled generators. This decision not only saved money but also kept the spacecraft's mass within acceptable limits.

Once launched, the Europa Clipper will embark on a carefully planned 5.5-year journey to reach its destination, using gravity assists from Mars in February 2025 and Earth in December 2026. After this extensive cosmic road trip, the spacecraft is set to arrive at Europa in April 2030. The mission's trajectory might take longer than a trip to the grocery store (seriously, it might), but it ensures that Clipper arrives well-prepared to study the moon's intriguing potential for harboring life. The Clipper’s cruise and science phases will conveniently overlap with the European Space Agency’s JUICE spacecraft, which launched in April 2023 and will arrive at Jupiter in July 2031. Despite launching eighteen months later, Europa Clipper will beat JUICE to Jupiter by a whopping fifteen months, thanks to its robust launch vehicle and streamlined flight plan—proof that sometimes, slow and steady doesn't win the race; it just takes a different route!

The Europa Clipper was initially set to launch on NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS). However, realizing that SLS availability might be a gamble, NASA opted to explore commercial launch options instead. The decision to use Falcon Heavy not only cut estimated launch costs by $2 billion but also spared the spacecraft from the excessive vibrations that come with SLS’s solid rocket boosters. With a successful launch on the horizon, the Europa Clipper is poised to unravel the mysteries of Europa, one icy layer at a time.

Europa Clipper Solar Panels
Europa Clipper Main Body
Europa Clipper -- Artistic Representation

Scientific instruments

Europa Clipper has a suite of nine instruments that will work together to collect data necessary to accomplishing the mission’s science objectives. During each flyby, the full array of instruments will gather measurements and images that will be layered together to analyze Europa.


Europa Clipper’s visible-light cameras will map Europa at significantly better detail than earlier missions. The two infrared cameras on board the spacecraft will map the temperature, roughness, and composition of the moon's surface. Together, the cameras and other devices will reveal much about Europa’s chemistry and geologic activities.

Europa Imaging System (EIS)

The Europa imaging system will capture Europa's valleys, ridges, dark bands and other features in significant detail. It has a wide-angle camera (WAC) and a narrow-angle camera (NAC). Each of these cameras work together and has an eight-megapixel sensor sensitive to visible wavelengths of light, and a small range of near-infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths. The NAC pivots 60 degrees on two axes, while both cameras will produce stereoscopic images and have filters to acquire colour images.

“During flybys, the WAC will cover a swath of the surface in stereo and in color…stereo topography will reveal a lot about the surface structure.”
- Elizabeth Turtle, principal investigator for EIS

The NAC is a reflecting telescope that gathers light using a big mirror. Next, a concentrated beam is directed by additional mirrors and lenses onto a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) detector, which is an eight-megapixel sensor. CMOS detectors are a type of detector used in digital cameras and cell phones. They are maybe the most used NASA spinoff technology worldwide. The WAC has the same kind of sensor, but is a refracting telescope instead of a reflecting telescope. It lets light in directly and focuses it onto its detector using lenses.

“With the narrow-angle camera, we’ll image certain areas of Europa at half a meter per pixel…We’ll see features on the surface that we haven’t seen before.”
- Lynnae Quick, member of the EIS team

Scientists will use EIS to study surface features and how they relate to each other and to sub-surface structures. The instrument will search for signs of recent geologic activity on the moon’s surface. It will also look for potential plumes venting material into space. EIS’s three-dimensional views will allow scientists to measure surface heights. Color images will provide information about Europa’s surface materials.

Europa Imaging system

Europa Thermal Emission Imaging System (E-THEMIS)

Everything in the universe with a temperature above absolute zero gives off light. everything emits light in the form of radio and infrared waves.. Although Europa is much farther from the Sun than Earth, making its surface extremely cold, it still emits infrared light. That’s what the Europa Clipper’s thermal imager will closely examine. The Europa Thermal Emission Imaging System (E-THEMIS) will map the moon’s temperatures, searching for signs of activity like cryovolcanoes or areas where its hidden ocean might be closer to the surface.

E-THEMIS will use the spacecraft’s motion to scan strips of Europa’s surface.

“It’s like the panorama feature on a smart phone,” said Sylvain Piqueux, a JPL planetary scientist on the E-THEMIS science team. “But instead you have three phones next to each other, each observing a different color.”

E-THEMIS will scan Europa's surface for areas of relatively warm ice, which could indicate recent resurfacing or suggest that the moon's hidden ocean is closer to the surface in certain spots. Once identified, other instruments can focus on these regions to study the subsurface chemistry and gain deeper insights into Europa's potential for harboring life.

In addition, E-THEMIS will measure how quickly different parts of the surface cool after Europa rotates out of sunlight. Smaller, granular materials cool faster than larger blocks, and these cooling rates will reveal important details about the texture of the surface. Mapping the surface temperature and water distribution will not only help understand Europa's properties but could also guide the selection of landing sites for future missions, ensuring the surface is stable enough for exploration.


Atoms and molecules each emit, absorb and reflect various wavelengths of light. This means, light carries information about materials it has interacted with. Telescopes from far away distances use this to analyze the makeup of planetary bodies and stars. Upclose Europa Clipper can gather even more data to dissect incoming infrared and ultraviolet light. Decoding this information is the key to understanding the composition of Europa's surface and of particles in space near Europa.

Spectrometry involves analyzing the interactions between light and matter, as well as measuring the intensity and wavelengths of radiation. Essentially, it is a technique used to study and quantify specific spectra, making it a crucial tool for spectroscopic analysis of various materials. Through this method, scientists can gain detailed insights into the composition and properties of a given sample by examining how it absorbs, emits, or reflects light across different wavelengths. It plays an important role in Europa Clippers analysis of Europa. Spectrometry has a staggering number of other applied uses; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray machines utilise a form of radio-frequency spectroscopy. These are all very similar instruments to what will be flying on Europa Clipper.

Europa Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS)

Europa Clipper’s Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS) will play a crucial role in helping scientists answer key questions about Europa's mysterious ocean and surface. One of the mission's primary objectives is to determine if a liquid water ocean exists beneath Europa’s icy shell, and whether this ocean periodically erupts into space, allowing for direct sampling. By analyzing the materials on Europa’s surface, scientists aim to uncover what substances, besides ice, compose its frozen exterior. Additionally, they will investigate how Jupiter’s intense radiation alters the moon's surface materials over time. Ultraviolet data will provide more accurate identification of these substances than ever before.

Europa-UVS operates by collecting ultraviolet light with a telescope and then separating it into its different wavelengths using an optical grating. Much like a prism creates a rainbow from visible light, this instrument breaks ultraviolet light into distinct wavelengths. By analyzing images of the light spectrum, scientists can identify the chemical composition of Europa's surface materials. This powerful tool, with a field of view of 7.5 degrees and a spectral range of 55 to 210 nanometers, offers a detailed examination of the moon's surface and helps to address fundamental questions about its potential to harbor life.

Europa-UVS Final Configuration

Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE)

Just as animals interpret environmental cues—such as a lion's roar signaling danger or daylight prompting activity—the analysis of images and colors can reveal important information about their source. Similarly, Europa Clipper’s Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) will study the infrared spectrum reflected from Europa's surface. By measuring the presence, absence, and intensity of various wavelengths, MISE will provide detailed data on the moon’s composition.

Infrared light enters MISE through a narrow slit, where mirrors direct it toward a calcium fluoride lens. This lens focuses the light onto a diffraction grating, which disperses the light into its individual wavelengths. These separated wavelengths are then captured by a detection system that records and analyzes the data, which is transmitted back to Earth for interpretation. This allows scientists to study Europa's surface composition and understand the processes shaping the moon.

Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE)

Plasma and Magnetic Field

The Europa Clipper Magnetometer (ECM) is a critical instrument designed for the upcoming Europa Clipper mission. Its primary function is to accurately measure the magnetic field of Europa during a series of flybys. This data will help scientists investigate the existence of a hypothesized subsurface ocean beneath the moon's icy crust. Should such an ocean be confirmed, the ECM will provide vital information regarding its depth, salinity, and the thickness of Europa's icy shell.

The ECM is equipped with high-sensitivity fluxgate sensors that can detect subtle variations in Europa's magnetic field, allowing researchers to assess how these variations change over time and across different locations on the moon. During the launch phase, the magnetometer will be housed in a protective canister and will extend to its full length of 8.5 meters (25 feet) shortly after launch. To mitigate magnetic interference from the spacecraft itself, which has over 300 sources of potential contamination—including magnets within propulsion valves and current loops in solar arrays—the ECM will be mounted on an 8.5-meter boom. This strategic placement aims to minimize the impact of these artificial magnetic sources, although careful calibration will still be necessary to ensure accurate measurements.

Initially, the mission planned to incorporate a more sophisticated multi-frequency magnetometer, known as ICEMAG. However, due to budget constraints and cost overruns, this instrument was ultimately replaced with the ECM. This streamlined design allows for effective magnetic field analysis while maintaining the mission's scientific objectives within budgetary limits.

Europa Clipper team deploys Magnetometer Boom

Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS)

The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) is a crucial component of the Europa Clipper mission, designed to analyze how plasma affects the magnetic field disturbances detected by the Europa Clipper Magnetometer. PIMS comprises four Faraday Cup plasma spectrometers, which utilize voltage-biased gridded apertures to analyze the plasma in the space environment around Europa. When charged particles from the plasma collide with the instrument’s metal collector plates, they generate a measurable current. This current is processed using sensitive preamplifiers and electronics, allowing scientists to assess the plasma properties in the vicinity of Europa, thereby providing more precise measurements of the magnetic field associated with the moon's subsurface ocean.

To understand how PIMS works, it's important to know a few key scientific concepts. Plasma is often referred to as the fourth state of matter, consisting of charged particles, including ions and electrons. It is created when gas is energized, resulting in a mixture of charged particles and neutral atoms. In the context of Europa, plasma can come from various sources, including the moon's interaction with Jupiter's strong magnetic field and the radiation environment surrounding the planet. The Faraday Cup sensors in PIMS are specifically designed to capture and analyze these charged particles. Each sensor has a 90° full-width field of view and is strategically positioned on the spacecraft to provide comprehensive data. By measuring both ions and electrons, the instrument can offer insights into the magnetospheric and ionospheric conditions around Europa.

PIMS is engineered to withstand the harsh environment of Europa, ensuring that it can effectively operate in extreme cold and radiation. The instrument features two separate voltage ranges to optimize the analysis of different plasma environments, which helps in refining the data gathered by the magnetometer. Through this study, researchers aim to better understand the subsurface ocean of Europa and its potential for hosting life, as well as the moon's overall geological and geophysical characteristics. This detailed analysis will enhance our knowledge of both Europa and the broader dynamics of celestial bodies within the Jupiter system.

The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) features four Faraday Cups (FCs) situated on two sensors (PIMS Upper and PIMS Lower) located on opposite sides of the Europa Clipper spacecraft. These sensors are designed to measure two types of plasma: one from Jupiter’s magnetic field (the Jovian magnetosphere) and the other from Europa itself (the Europa ionosphere). Each Faraday Cup collects data by detecting the current generated when charged particles, such as ions and electrons, strike a segmented collector plate. Each plate is divided into three segments, known as "tridents," that allow for precise measurements.

When a charged particle hits one of these collector plates, it generates a current based on its energy-to-charge ratio (E/q). The Faraday Cups are equipped with a special grid that modulates the high voltage (HV) applied to it, which helps control which particles can pass through. For example, when a specific voltage waveform is applied to the grid, particles with an energy level higher than this threshold will pass through and contribute to a steady current. In contrast, particles that fall below this energy threshold are reflected back out of the sensor. Those that are right at the threshold produce an alternating current (AC), which is the primary data that PIMS measures. Inside the PIMS instrument, electronic components amplify and digitize the current detected by each collector plate. They perform synchronous detection, a process that enhances the AC component of the current that corresponds to the modulation frequency set by the high voltage. By combining the currents from all three segments of each collector plate, scientists can calculate the total number of particles striking the plates (referred to as particle flux). Additionally, analyzing the differences in current between the segments helps determine the direction from which the plasma is flowing.

The PIMS is designed to measure the plasma with a very high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), meaning it can detect even small changes in the current produced by the plasma, which has noise levels as low as 1-10 picoamperes (pA). This level of precision ensures that the measurements reflect the overall properties of the plasma accurately. By capturing these details, PIMS plays a vital role in enhancing our understanding of the plasma environment around Europa and its potential implications for the moon's subsurface ocean.

The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on the Europa Clipper Mission

Radar & Gravity

Gravity exerts a stronger pull on Europa’s side facing Jupiter than on its far side. This discrepancy is due to Europa's elliptical orbit, which causes its distance from Jupiter to fluctuate. As gravity follows an inverse-square law, the closer Europa is to Jupiter, the greater the gravitational difference felt between its near and far sides. Consequently, Europa becomes elongated when it is nearer to Jupiter and more spherical when it is farther away. This changing shape also affects Europa's gravity field.

To study these gravitational effects, the Europa Clipper spacecraft conducts experiments using radio signals. Ground-based antennas send a signal to the spacecraft, which then transmits back at a coherent frequency. The gravity science team on Earth meticulously analyzes the Doppler shift and other characteristics of the received signal to trace its path. As the Clipper flies through Europa's gravity field at various distances from Jupiter, scientists will examine how its trajectory is influenced by Europa's gravity. This data will help them understand how the moon flexes, ultimately providing insights into its internal structure.

“It's like when a firetruck goes by and the pitch of the siren changes,” said Dustin Buccino, a JPL scientist and engineer, and co-investigator for the gravity investigation. “We measure the difference between the frequency the spacecraft sent and the frequency Earth received. It gives us details about the spacecraft’s motion, which gives us details about Europa’s gravity field.”

Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON)

The Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON) is a sophisticated ice-penetrating radar system featuring multiple frequencies and channels. This instrument will be part of the Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter's moon Europa. REASON is designed to deliver the first direct measurements of both the surface characteristics of Europa's ice shell and its subsurface structure. By utilizing its advanced radar capabilities, REASON will enable scientists to analyze the thickness of the ice, identify potential liquid water layers beneath the surface, and assess the overall geology of Europa. This data is crucial for understanding the moon's potential habitability and the processes that shape its icy exterior.

The REASON instrument utilizes advanced radar technology and various analyses of plasma and particles to study Europa. It operates using two different frequencies: high-frequency (HF) radar at 9 MHz and very high-frequency (VHF) radar at 60 MHz, which allows it to conduct both shallow and deep sounding of the moon's icy surface. The radar antennas are mounted on a single boom, which helps to minimize the overall weight of the equipment. In addition to mapping the ice shell, REASON will function as a nadir altimeter, measuring tides to help validate theories about Europa’s ice shell and subsurface ocean. This capability will also enable scientists to assess the surface roughness, which is crucial for identifying potential landing sites for a future lander mission to Europa. Through these measurements, REASON will provide valuable insights into the moon's geology and the potential for life beneath its icy crust.

Artist's impression of the Europa Clipper's REASON instrument in action, using dual-frequency radar to map Europa's ice layer

A Message in a Bottle

There's a legacy of NASA spacecraft carrying inspirational messages from Earth, from the Pioneer Plaque and the Voyager Golden Record, to engravings carried aboard NASA's Mars rovers. Now, as NASA sends a new mission from one ocean world to another, the Europa Clipper spacecraft continues this tradition, inspiring global interest and connection through its journey.

Voyager Golden Record

The theme for Europa's vault plate, which will go with the Europa Clipper to the icy moon can be summed up in one word--Water. water connects our planet to Earth. The Europa Clipper mission aims to confirm that a vast ocean exists beneath Europa's surface. This shared element of water has influenced every aspect of the vault plates design. The plate, made of tantalum metal 1mm thick and about 7 by 11 inches is part of the structure that will protect Europa Clipper's electronics. The outward-facing side features a piece called "Water Words" which is a visual representation of the word for water in 103 spoken languages, extending from a central symbol that represents the sign for water in ASL. Audio recordings of these words are engraved on the vault plate as waveforms.

Europa's Vault plate - Outward facing side

"In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa"

This original poem, penned by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón in her own handwriting, is engraved on the vault plate. It intertwines the two water worlds: Earth, which yearns to grasp what makes a world habitable, and Europa, poised with secrets yet to be uncovered.

The poem can be listened to along with a stunning animation on NASAs very own youtube channel.

The lower half of Europa Clipper’s vault plate, showing the poem by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón (lower right), a drawing representing the Jovian system that will host the names of 2.6 million people flying with mission on a microchip (top right), a tribute to planetary scientist Ron Greeley (bottom left), and the radio emission lines known a the ‘Water Hole’ (center). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Millions of individuals across the globe share a remarkable connection: their names are embarking on a journey to Europa aboard the Europa Clipper spacecraft. Each name, submitted through NASA’s Message in a Bottle campaign, is etched on a silicon chip the size of a fingernail. This chip is affixed to a tantalum metal vault plate, which is integrated into a beautiful illustration representing the Jovian system and the orbits of its four largest moons. At the heart of this drawing is a bottle, symbolizing NASA's Message in a Bottle campaign, serving as a testament to humanity's quest for knowledge and exploration. This mission embodies our collective dreams and aspirations, reminding us that together, we are reaching for the stars, driven by curiosity and the promise of discovery.

Engraved in the handwriting of renowned astrophysicist and astrobiologist Frank Drake (1930–2022), the Drake Equation stands as a tribute to the groundbreaking concept that the probability of discovering extraterrestrial life is quantifiable. This mathematical formula estimates the likelihood of finding advanced, communicative civilizations within the Milky Way galaxy. Since its inception, the Drake Equation has served as a guiding framework, inspiring scientific inquiry across various disciplines linked to astrobiology—the study of life's origin, evolution, and distribution in the universe.

In the field of astronomy, the term "water hole" refers to a specific range of radio frequencies that are relatively free from background noise, making them ideal for interstellar communication. This frequency range lies between the hydrogen emission line at 1420 megahertz and the hydroxyl line at 1660-1666 megahertz. The lines featured on the vault plate of the Europa Clipper spacecraft symbolize the connection between water and the ongoing quest for life beyond Earth. They provide a scientific and mathematical representation of water; the chemical symbols for hydrogen (H) and hydroxyl (OH) illustrate the components produced when water molecules (H₂O) are separated.

Like the Drake Equation, these radio emission lines exemplify our capacity to harness the language of science in pursuit of knowledge. In our exploration of Europa and other celestial bodies, the allure of water continues to captivate human curiosity, prompting us to reach out and listen for potential messages from the cosmos.

Concluding Thoughts

I hope this article taught you at the very least one new thing about Europa or the Europa Clipper mission. As we yearn for our connection to Europa, and as we yearn for this endeavour of exploration remember this:

" It is not darkness that unites us, not the cold distance of space, but the offering of water"

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